Configuring a Microsoft® Windows Physical Server

To configure a Microsoft® Windows physical server, perform these steps:

  1. Click the Marketplace tile on the VPC Dashboard screen.
  2. If your Virtual Private Cloud has multiple data centers, select a data center from the pull-down selection at the right side of the screen. Otherwise, continue with the next step.

    Note: The pull-down selection only displays when your Virtual Private Cloud has multiple data centers.
  3. Select Microsoft® Windows Physical Server from the Marketplace to display the catalog item description and begin the configuration process.


  1. Click Configure to display the Service Details interface.

    Note:  To return easily to this catalog item description page, click COPY ITEM URL.

  1. Configure the network for the Microsoft® Windows physical server using the options on the Network Configuration page.

    Note:  The Your Configuration page on the right side of the screen displays the configuration parameters and service settings you select.

  1. Configure the Microsoft® Windows physical server using the options on the Physical Server Configuration page.

  1. Select either Order Now to order the catalog item immediately or Add to Order to put the catalog item in the shopping cart.

Note:  If your order will consist of multiple catalog items or if you do not want to submit your order immediately, use the Add to Order option to add the catalog item to the shopping cart.